Sound Art Innovation Lab (S.A.I.L.)

Based in St. Catharines, Ontario, the S.A.I.L. focuses on experimentation to assist sound artists, musicians, actors, producers, and film directors use sound in their workflows. In addition, the organization brings together various community participants, students and scholars of all ages to generate interdisciplinary discussion. As an organization, S.A.I.L. aims to create social awareness and encourage underrepresented groups to participate in all aspects of sound studies and production. Within our collaborative environment, we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusivity in all aspects of our governance and programming. We believe our strength is grounded in working with diverse groups, which include gender and sexually diverse communities, people with intersectional identities, disability artists, and Indigenous cultural practitioners.

If you have any questions about joining the lab or proposing collaborative projects, please email us at

S.A.I.L is currently looking into solutions to make our facilities more accessible and create a website compliant with W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0. Please be patient as we work toward this goal.

The Sound Art Innovation Lab Collective acknowledges the generous, unwavering support of the Niagara Artists Centre. Many of its members and administrative staff helped find a location, renovate the space and accelerate our growth at this crucial stage. To use the Sound Art Innovation Lab studio, you must sign up for a membership with NAC. This ensures our enduring partnership and is a way to extend our outreach activities.